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Homescience10 Golden rules How to develop emotional intelligence?

10 Golden rules How to develop emotional intelligence?

If you are looking for success in life, you should know that it is not just limited to your intellectual abilities. Success is directly related to developing what is known as “emotional intelligence” which helps you build a stronger network of relationships and achieve your professional and personal goals.

It is not necessary that the smartest people are the most successful in life; You must know brilliant and educated academics, but they are socially incompetent and unsuccessful at work or in their personal relationships.

what is emotional intelligence?

Emotional intelligence can be defined as the ability to understand and use your feelings and emotions in positive ways. in order to improve your ability to communicate with those around you and to release negative feelings like stress, worry, and frustration.

Therefore, the ability to identify, evaluate, and appropriately manage emotions belongs to the category of emotional intelligence. Everything mentioned above is thought to be a psychological benefit that will improve your capacity for collaboration, leadership, and productivity.

It is said in psychology that it is possible, in a period not exceeding 7 minutes, to know whether the person we are dealing with is emotionally intelligent or not. But, what characteristics should we take into consideration to determine the emotional intelligence of the individuals around us?

There are several components to emotional intelligence, including:

  • Self-awareness: Recognizing and understanding one’s emotions, strengths, weaknesses, values, and motivations.
  • Self-regulation: Managing and controlling one’s emotions, impulses, and behaviors in different situations. This includes being adaptable, handling stress, and maintaining a positive outlook.
  • Social awareness: Being perceptive of others’ emotions, understanding their perspectives, and empathizing with them. This involves being attentive to social cues and demonstrating empathy.
  • Relationship management: Using interpersonal skills to manage and nurture relationships effectively. This includes communication, conflict resolution, teamwork, and inspiring and influencing others positively.

10 Golden rules How to develop emotional intelligence?

10 Golden rules How to develop emotional intelligence?

In order to develop emotional intelligence, you need to follow a number of principles or guidelines and start applying them in reality as well. Here are 10 simple rules:

1. Renewal rule

There is a widespread misconception that the adult brain cannot change and is static. However, new studies have revealed that this assertion is false, and instead, the brain possesses an incredible trait known as “neuroplasticity.”

Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s capacity to undergo changes and actively engage in them, With a combination of focused thinking and constructive actions, you can actually “reprogram” your mind and emotional responses. This rule is based on 3 steps:

  • Stimulus.
  • Training.
  • Application.

2. Clean desk rule

It is advised that before you begin your day, put aside some time to organize your desk, closet, or room. According to a scientific principle, every barrier you face while attempting to complete a task will make it more difficult.

Spending a few minutes cleaning and organizing will help you clear your mind, which in turn will give you a feeling of relaxation. In addition, completing the cleaning gives you a feeling of self-confidence and motivates you to move forward in your day.

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The LAUGH Rule is beneficial if you suffer from impostor syndrome because it contradicts the popular saying “Fake it until you make it.”

This guideline promotes the adoption of a growth mindset, sharing your journey with others, and advocating for your own distinctive viewpoint. The rule says:

  • Learn
  • Apply.
  • Understand.
  • Grow.
  • Help

4. The rule of persuasion

It is a very simple rule based on 3 steps:

  • Ask strategic questions.
  • Provide valid evidence.
  • Know when to give up.

This kind of influence and persuasion focuses on establishing a partnership and increasing awareness rather than using trickery or manipulation.

How to develop emotional intelligence?

5. Maya Angelou rule

In reality, the so-called “Maya Angelou Rule” is a quotation frequently attributed to the well-known author and poet, which reads, “People may forget what you did, but they may also forget what you said. But the way you made them feel will always be with them.”

6. Be honest without doing any harm

When you uphold your values and ideas and say what you mean, you’ll have true credibility. However, your personality may prevent you from accomplishing this correctly.

For example, if you have a high degree of kindness, you may be a natural pacifist and have a high degree of empathy, but your desire to keep the peace may also lead you to hide feelings of “unacceptance” or say things you don’t really mean. It may also cause you to avoid difficult – but necessary – conversations, such as when you are asked to give constructive criticism.

On the other hand, if you’re not a very nice type, you’ll have no problem being “straightforward” and pushing people out of their safe and comfortable space. But you may also gain a reputation for never stopping questioning and criticizing others, and people will stop listening to what you have to say.

7. The rule: do not panic

Panic is defined as “a sudden, uncontrollable fear or anxiety that often causes irrational behavior.”

Sometimes fear is normal and even healthy. However, anxiety stops the mind from functioning logically, which can paralyze your reasoning or cause you to make a judgment you’ll later come to regret. So how can you confront your anxieties without losing your cool? All you need to do is learn how to manage your thoughts.

Instead of allowing it to paralyze your thinking, you should practice self-awareness: accepting your natural emotional and physical reaction. This enables you to practice self-management (self-control) by focusing your thoughts on what is helpful in the situation.

8. The gift of time

Giving the people you care about your time not only makes them happy but also makes you happy in this fast-paced age. All you need to do is decide who you would like to spend some time with this week.

Plan to do a project you wouldn’t normally do with this person; It could be a meal alone, a coffee, a surprise visit to a mutual friend, or even going for a walk. It’s a relatively simple gift of time, but it goes a long way in strengthening your relationships.

10 Golden rules How to develop emotional intelligence?

9. Security cover

Google has been researching methods to improve employee performance for years. Psychological security, or creating a space where workers feel free to voice their thoughts and opinions, is, in her opinion, the primary element that leads to improved performance.

The problem, of course, is that we often find ourselves in work environments – or outside of work – in which we feel everything but safe, and for this reason we need a “safety blanket”: any person, place, or thing that gives you the strength and confidence you need to be yourself. Give your best.

10. Rejection rule

This rule consists of 3 parts:

  • Don’t reject yourself, try.
  • If the answer is no, ask why. This may result in you getting what you want, or close to it.
  • Rejection does not define who you are, it is the way you deal with rejection.

Following these simple steps will help you turn a no into a yes, and completely change the way you look at rejection.


What is emotional intelligence (EI)?

The term “emotional intelligence” describes the capacity to recognize, regulate, and effectively communicate feelings. It entails having empathy and skill while managing interpersonal connections, as well as being sensitive of one’s own emotions and those of others.

Why is emotional intelligence important?

Developing emotional intelligence is essential since it promotes better conflict resolution, relationships, communication, and mental health in general. It also helps in work environments, where it promotes productive teamwork and leadership.

Can emotional intelligence be learned?

Yes, Emotional intelligence can be developed and enhanced with intentional practice. Emotional intelligence can be improved through methods including active listening, empathy-building activities, and self-reflection.

What are some practical ways to develop emotional intelligence?

  • Practicing self-awareness: Reflect on your emotions and reactions in different situations.
  • Enhancing empathy: Try to understand others’ perspectives and feelings.
  • Improving communication: Focus on clear and constructive expression of emotions.
  • Managing stress: Adopt coping mechanisms to handle stress and negative emotions effectively.

How long does it take to develop emotional intelligence?

Developing emotional intelligence is an ongoing process that varies for each individual. It depends on factors such as self-awareness, openness to change, and consistent practice. Improvement can be seen gradually over time with persistent effort.




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